


it came with I.R.I.S. OCR software. I.R.I.S. is making available a special upgrade offer to HP customers who received their OCR software with their HP product.

HP OCR Software 12.0

HP OCR Software is an app developed by Hewlett-Packard that allows users to scan and convert printed documents into editable digital text.

HP OCR upgrade offer

As an HP OCR registered user, you can benefit from a special discount offer while upgrading your scanning software with the new Readiris 14. Upgrade now.

HP ScanJet Pro 4500 fn1

HP Scanner 軟體會使用光學字元辨識(OCR),將頁面上的文字轉換成可在電腦上編輯的文字。OCR 軟體隨附於HP Scan 和ReadIris Pro 軟體。如需關於使用OCR 軟體的資訊,請 ...

HP 印表機

安裝「HP 通用掃描」軟體,即可在HP Scan 中運用「光學字元辨識(OCR)」將掃描儲存為可編輯文字。 ... 在軟體和驅動程式網頁上,在清單中搜尋通用掃描驅動程式。

Scan as Editable Text (OCR) with HP Scan (Windows)

Install the HP Universal Scan software to enable saving scans as editable text with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in HP Scan. ... On the software and ...

Scanning Documents Or Text (OCR)

The OCR software is installed by default when you install the HP Scanning software during scanner setup. If you cannot edit scanned text, choose the ...


開始掃描 · 在上方玻璃平台放入原稿文件。 · 按下【掃描】,原稿文件的掃描會出現在【 HP 預覽】視窗。 · 您可以在【 HP 預覽】(HP Director)中編輯掃描的影像。 多合一打印 ...